About me
Growing up, I always had an affinity for sweets.
Some of my earliest memories are in the kitchen baking delicious goodies with my Grandma Ruth. As I got older and enrolled in nursing school, I realized that being in the kitchen was a great outlet for stress and a place I found calmness and comfort. I found that I was pretty decent at whipping up delicious treats and that it brought other people joy as well as myself.
Cooking and baking became my best ways to show my love and appreciation for those around me. A warm chocolate chip cookie for a friend having a bad day, a perfectly seared steak and a rich chocolate cake to celebrate a promotion, a backyard bbq and fresh fruit tart to celebrate a friends summer engagement, a hearty casserole or lasagna to nourish the new mama in my life, the list goes on and on.
When I found out the gluten in my creations was making me ill I was devastated. I was not willing to give up my love for the kitchen nor sacrifice any flavor so I have been working hard to perfect all my favorite treats without the gluten or tummy aches!
I have realized over the last couple of months that baking is where my passion truly lies. I love bringing joy to others through my treats and have decided to expand my baking into a business. Nomemade Gluten Free Bakery specializes in gluten free and celiac safe baked goods, custom cakes, cupcakes and macarons! Gluten free or not, I hope you enjoy my recipes and share this love of food with others! Check out the store page to place your orders today!